GFS - Panel Discussion and Book Signing
SUNDAY, OCT 9, 2022 - Panel Discussion and Book Signing
2:00 pm Screening of George Fish School Documentary
3:15 pm Panel Discussion and Book Signing
Fort Mill School District Building C, Training and Support Center
2233 Deerfield Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715
Moderator: Ms. Ann Evans, Archivist & Curator for the Springs Close Family Archives at the White Homestead. This event will include a welcome from Dr. David R. Ward, Chairman, Fort Mill History Museum Board of Directors, and Ms. Christia Humburg, Executive Director, Fort Mill History Museum.
Special guest: Stephanie Deutsch, author of You Need a Schoolhouse: Booker T. Washington, Julius Rosenwald and the Building of Schools for the Segregated South, published by Northwestern University Press.
Books will be available for purchasing and signing by authors. Refreshments served. Space limited.
RSVP to Jenny Overman: (803) 804-8737 or email:
Please click on the images below for the biography of each participant.