Nonprofit Organizations
The Fort Mill School District allows approved flyers (in PDF format only) from nonprofit (501c3) organizations (Boy Scouts, the YMCA, Girl Scouts, Foundation for Fort Mill Schools, Girls on the Run, etc.) — providing their material meets our standards and has been pre-approved by the Superintendent’s Office.
We do not approve the distribution nor web publication of a flyer by a for-profit organization even if that organization is offering something “free” to our students. We also do not approve fundraising efforts from nonprofit groups.
No commercial publications will be posted or distributed unless their purpose is to further a school activity, such as graduation, class pictures or class rings or to offer a pre-approved enrichment opportunity to our students.
If you have a flyer from an outside, nonprofit organization:
All organizations are subject to Peachjar’s service fee when they post a flyer to promote/announce an activity or event with a participation fee. This also happens when the flyer describes an event that is held without charge for the purpose of enticing attendees to buy products or services or to participate in a fee-based program or activity. Peachjar charges outside organizations a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost they paid in the past to copy and deliver flyers to schools.
What must appear on the flyer?
Other Flyer Criteria:
Most importantly, the organization must be a non-profit (501c3) or hold a governmental educational nonprofit institution status.
- Programs or events should be held within York County (an exception can be made for summer camp programs within a 25 mile radius);
- Activities should benefit our students, help develop character, etc.;
- Programs or events should be youth-related or related to youth education;
- Flyers should not promote nor discourage religion;
- Flyers should not promote a political party, organization or viewpoint;
- Flyers should be nondenominational in nature;
- Flyers should not disrupt the educational process, violate the rights of others, include material that is defamatory, invade the privacy of others, infringe on a copyright, or be obscene, vulgar or indecent.
The school district reserves the right to disallow a flyer for posting if it feels it is not in the best interest of children and their families.
I'm an outside nonprofit and my flyer meets the requirements. Now what?
Contact Peachjar for pricing and discount information. Peachjar’s customer service can be reached by calling 858-997-2117, or by visiting their website at The Fort Mill School District does not collect or receive any portion of the fee charged by Peachjar. All requests from groups or individuals to make information about not-for-profit activities or enrichment services available to Fort Mill School District students through this website will be referred to Peachjar.