Act 207: Petition for High School Diploma
(Formerly Act 155)
Through the passage of Act 155 (now Act 207), the South Carolina General Assembly approved the removal of the exit exam as a requirement for graduation beginning with the graduating class of 2015.
A person who is no longer enrolled in a public school and who previously failed to receive a high school diploma or was denied graduation solely for failing to meet the exit exam requirements may petition the local school board to determine the student’s eligibility to receive a high school diploma. The elimination of the exit exam (BSAP, HSAP) requirement is retroactive to the graduating class of 1990.
In order to facilitate the requirements of Act 207, Fort Mill School District has created a form that can be filled out by a petitioner who meets the requirements mentioned in the above paragraph. Please read the FAQs in the link below to determine if you meet those qualifications. Then, click the link below for the petition form and follow the directions for submission.