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York County "No Wrong Door" - Raising Awareness of Parents (RAP) Session Series

RAP Sessions, sponsored by York County "No Wrong Door," are held 3 to 4 times per year at the four school districts within York County: Fort Mill (FMSD), Rock Hill, Clover, and York. These sessions focus on a variety of subjects pertaining to today's youth, including drug awareness and prevention, bullying, mental health and many others. 

Session schedules are communicated to FMSD parents via Peachjar and email. Whenever possible, session materials are posted on this web site after the final RAP session is held. While it is not always possible to attend every session, we strongly encourage parents to attend these sessions in person, where there is an opportunity to meet other parents, ask questions, and learn about additional community resources.

York County No Wrong Door is a collection of many local services. Partners include: All On Board; Clover, Fort Mill, Rock Hill & York School Districts; Catawba Community Mental Health; Catawba Indian Nation; Continuum of Care; NAMI Piedmont Tri-County; Department of Juvenile Justice; Department of Social Services; Keystone Substance Abuse Services; North Central Family Medical Center; Primary Care Medicine & Public Health Synergy; Thompson Community Counseling Center.