ID Badge Tips and Tricks
Badge Tips and Tricks
Badge not working? Try these tips first.
Hold the badge up to reader for 5-10 seconds; more than just a flash
Check with the front office to see if other reports of the door not working.
Door reader may need new batteries if it flashes red
Badges with numbers prior to 6000 will need to be replaced
Is the badge bent or cracked? Left in the heat of car? Most likely will need to be replaced
After you have tried the above and the badge is still not working, contact your school bookkeeper or receptionist. The designated person at your school will put in a one-to-one ticket to have the badge reviewed and/or replaced. The replacement badge will be sent directly to the recipient and the ticket will be closed.
IT Ticket
Badge Knowledge
Badges are not door specific; access is granted for all doors at your location
Access is given to the assigned school for working hours and days when school is in session UNLESS otherwise authorized by your job title or supervisor approval has been given
If you are transferring schools, your badge will automatically be updated for your new school.