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Student Nursing Services


School Health Rooms

Every school's health room is managed by a registered nurse. Any student who is not feeling well should obtain a pass from the appropriate staff or faculty member to visit the health room. The health room is designed to assist students with chronic health conditions and is an emergency station to care for minor injuries and illnesses that occur at school. Injures that occurred outside the school environment should be treated at home or by a health care provider prior to returning back to school. Our school nurses cannot diagnose illnesses. A nurse cannot administer any medications without a medication consent form (see below for form M105) completed by health care provider and/or parent or guardian. 

The health and well-being of all students is of utmost importance.  Procedurally, our nurses work towards returning students back to the classroom as soon as it is advisable. However, sometimes a student may need to go home due to illness. We will request that you pick up your child if his/her medical condition is unstable, or if he/she is not capable of participating in the daily school activities. This decision is based upon an assessment conducted by the school nurse. In addition, the school must also follow the DPH (Department of Public Health) School Exclusion List for specific medical conditions to be in compliance with SC State Health guidelines.

Medication Consent Form M105

General First-Aid and Medication Administration

The school health rooms will supply the following items for first-aid purposes: Vaseline, Saline Eye Wash, Aloe Vera, 1% Hydrocortisone. If you do not wish for your child to be treated with these items, please provide your written response to your school’s nurse.

Medical Emergencies

If medical emergencies arise, the school nurse and school administrator will enact medical care deemed appropriate to the student (i.e. call 911 or transport the student to the hospital). In these cases, the schools will made every attempt to contact the parent/guardian. Please be sure to keep your student's emergency information updated with correct phone numbers. If a parent/guardian is out of town and has left their child in the care of another adult, written documentation should be on file with the school. This documentation will authorize the school to contact the alternate person in case of illness or a medical emergency.