Web 2.0 Tools Permission
Web 2.0 tools are an important part of your child’s education in the 21st Century. In decades past, school districts purchased software, installed it on servers or hard drives, and allocated machines for student use with access to the purchased software. Now the software students need lives on the Internet, in the cloud.
In order for Fort Mill School District (FMSD) to continue to be able to provide your child with the most effective web-based tools and applications for learning, we need to abide by federal regulations that require a parental signature as outlined below.
FMSD utilizes several computer software applications and web-based services that are operated by third parties. These include Book Creator, Epic, FlipGrid, Quaver, and similar educational programs.
In order for our students to use these programs and services, certain personally identifying information, generally, the student’s name and FMSD email address must be provided to the website operator. All such information is collected and maintained securely and will not be used by the operators for any commercial purpose.
Under federal law, these websites must provide parental notification and obtain parental consent before collecting personal information from children under the age of 13. The law permits districts such as FMSD to consent to the collection of personal information on behalf of all its students, thereby eliminating the need for individual parental consent given directly to the website operator.
This form will constitute consent for FMSD to provide personal identifying information for your child consisting of first name, last name, email address, username and password to the following web-operators: Book Creator, BrainPop, Epic, FlipGrid, Quaver, and similar educational programs and to the operators of any additional web-based educational programs and services which FMSD may add during the upcoming academic year.
By agreeing electronically, FMSD has my consent to create accounts for my child using computer software applications and web-based services operated by third parties.