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Carry-On Items

The United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Standard 17, Pupil Transportation Safety, reads in part:

…baggage and other items transported in the passenger compartment should be stored so that the aisles are kept clear and the doors and emergency exits of school vehicles remain unobstructed at all times.

The South Carolina State Department of Education’s position regarding carry-on items states “band instruments, or other items, carried on a school bus must be of such size that they can be transported in the student’s lap. This is necessary to insure that all items are kept under the control of the student at all times in case of an accident or an emergency”.

The primary role of the Fort Mill School District school buses is to safely transport students to and from school. With the current loading of our school buses we must limit what students carry on our school buses. This is necessary to insure that all items are kept under the control of the student at all times for the safety of other students and in case of an accident or an emergency. All items transported in the passenger compartment should be stored so the aisles are kept clear and the doors and emergency exits of the school bus remain unobstructed at all times. Band instruments that are not higher than the student’s belt buckle, approximately 30 to 36 inches high are allowed on the school bus. These items must be placed on the student’s lap or between the student’s legs. These items must be under the students control at all times.

Students are not allowed to bring the following items on a school bus; animals, insects, flowers, perfumes, plants, glass containers, weapons, balloons, balls, drinks, food (lunch/snacks in a lunch box or book bag are permitted), oversized band instruments and sports equipment, sports equipment bags, etc. which obstruct the driver’s view, block the aisle or exits, create safety hazards for students or displace a student from a seat. Any item or object which will interfere with the safe operation of the school bus is not permitted on the bus.

Electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, electronic books, compact disc players, MP-3 player, radios, tape players or similar devices and electronic games are permitted on the bus if equipped with headphones and if they cannot be heard by the driver or other students. These devices are for individual use and are not to be shared or displayed with other riders. If this policy is violated the bus driver will confiscate the device until the student leaves the bus. When students leave the school bus, these devices are to be turned off and not used within the school.

Cameras or any electronic devices that have photographic capabilities are not to be used in an unethical or illegal manner on a school bus.

Approved items carried on to the school bus must remain in the student’s book bag, in the student’s immediate possession and under the student’s control at all times.