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Elementary School #12 To Be Built Using Impact Fees

Elementary School #12 To Be Built Using Impact Fees

The Fort Mill School District is pleased to announce the groundbreaking ceremony for Elementary School #12, a significant milestone in our commitment to providing quality education to the community.

The construction project is funded by the Fort Mill School District Impact Fee, a testament to the district’s dedication to ensuring that our students have access to exceptional educational facilities, while lessening the burden to our tax payers. The school is slated to open for the 2025-2026 school year. 

By the numbers:

• $67 Million in estimated construction cost to be funded by Impact Fees collected.

• 1,200 student capacity for elementary school #12.

• 145,000 square foot building.

• 80 acre property, with space available for a possible future middle school.

• Thousands of dollars in cost savings to our taxpayers by using impact fees to build elementary #12.

The opening of elementary #12 will alleviate the current elementary school enrollment freezes. The school will be located on Gold Hill Road.